Application-level encryption

Install the library with the ‘crypto’ option.

pip install eventsourcing[crypto]

To enable encryption, pass in a cipher strategy object when constructing the sequenced item mapper, and set always_encrypt to a True value.

Cipher strategy

Let’s firstly construct a cipher strategy object. This example uses the library AES cipher strategy AESCipher.

The library AES cipher strategy uses the AES cipher from the Python Cryptography Toolkit, by default in CBC mode with 128 bit blocksize and a 16 byte encryption key. It generates a unique 16 byte initialization vector for each encryption. In this cipher strategy, serialized event data is compressed before it is encrypted, which can mean application performance is improved when encryption is enabled.

With encryption enabled, event attribute values are encrypted inside the application before they are mapped to the database. The values are decrypted before domain events are replayed.

from import AESCipher

# Construct the cipher strategy.
aes_key = '0123456789abcdef'
cipher = AESCipher(aes_key)

Application and infrastructure

Set up infrastructure using library classes.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.datastore import SQLAlchemySettings, SQLAlchemyDatastore
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.activerecords import IntegerSequencedItemRecord

datastore = SQLAlchemyDatastore(


Define a factory that uses library classes to construct an application object.

from eventsourcing.example.application import ExampleApplication
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.activerecords import SQLAlchemyActiveRecordStrategy
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sequenceditem import SequencedItem

def construct_example_application(session, always_encrypt=False, cipher=None):
    active_record_strategy = SQLAlchemyActiveRecordStrategy(
    app = ExampleApplication(
    return app

Run the code

Now construct an encrypted application with the cipher. Create an “example” with some “secret information”. Check the information is not visible in the database, as it is when the application is not encrypted.

# Create a new example entity using an encrypted application.
encrypted_app = construct_example_application(datastore.session, always_encrypt=True, cipher=cipher)

with encrypted_app as app:
    secret_entity = app.create_new_example(foo='secret info')

    # With encryption enabled, application state is not visible in the database.
    event_store = app.entity_event_store
    item2 = event_store.active_record_strategy.get_item(, eq=0)
    assert 'secret info' not in

    # Events are decrypted inside the application.
    retrieved_entity = app.example_repository[]
    assert 'secret info' in

# Create a new example entity using an unencrypted application object.
unencrypted_app = construct_example_application(datastore.session)
with unencrypted_app as app:
    entity = app.create_new_example(foo='bar')

    # Without encryption, application state is visible in the database.
    event_store = app.entity_event_store
    item1 = event_store.active_record_strategy.get_item(, 0)
    assert 'bar' in